Sunday, December 14, 2008


Our annual Ward Christmas party was last night, where the kids met Santa with their usual skeptical and wary eyes. In fact, before we even got out of the car to go greet him, Mason asked us if this was the real Santa or just someone dressed up to look like him. I mean, don't I have like 3 or 4 more years of Santa left, he just turned 5 for crying out loud. Or are the kids just getting smarter and we're just getting older? What is the average age kids stop believing in Santa anyway? Cause this is not the first question Mason has come up with this year. Like, "Is Santa really real?, How does the reindeer fly?, Is there really a Rudolph?" and so on. Oh well I guess we'll keep playing the Santa card til we can't no more.
Mason was asked to play a stable animal in the Nativity Story, I think he was a donky? You decide. And Honey was going to play the sheep but there was not enough to go around so she had to give it to an older child, next year Honey. But she made one cute sheep.
You can barely see Mason, but he is sticking out from behind the girl in the middle with her head turned to the left.
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Sheila said...

Wow! What a nativity! We did one with our primary for the Christmas party too and we thought we did good...guess we should have seen what the folks down south were doing...

Seriously, cute sheep...and def. a donkey!

Jen said...

That is some nativity. Wow, they did a great job.

ps. what is your new info?? send it to