Sunday, May 16, 2010

Childrens Festival

 I just had to share a picture of Royal's chubby legs. They are so cute, and I just want to eat them up. She is 5 months and is at least 18lbs of pure chubba. She is sitting up now and can roll from her back to her tummy but doesn't like to stay there for very long. She only wants Mamma and if you take her away she has a fit. We can hear a mmmmmaaammmmaa when she is crying, so I count that as saying Mamma. She can't wait to have real food soon, and grabs at my cup or plate whenever it is near enough. She has had a bit of mango, strawberry, avacado, and rice and loved each one. Honey let her suck on her Popsicle the other day and Masons vanilla ice cream, we can tell she's already got a sweet tooth, just like her big brother. Mason hates to hear her cry and thinks I am mean for letting her do so. He gets the stool to get her out of her crib in the mornings and lets me have at least another 30 min to sleep in. He is so wonderful. I love those kids!

And yes Royal has a dreadlock, and you can clearly see it sticking out from the top of her head here. I think its adorable but Larry wants to cut it out. It will stay a while longer I think. She gets little ones all the time, stuffed with lint and what not, we cut those ones out when they get too out of hand.

 We went to the Children's Festival on Saturday in Santa Barbara and had a blast. The kids ran down the grass while an officer "radar"ed them. Mason ran 10mph and Honey ran 8mph, it was so cute.


Had to have cotton candy for sure.

Then the kids, especially Honey, couldn't miss out on the pony rides. She had to pee so bad but we weren't about to loose our spot in line so she held it, pretty good too, and waited until she was finished with the ride.

Of course we have to give a shout out to the CHP.


 I wanted to try out a vintage looking picture of Honey, thought it was cute enough to share. Playing with photoshop is so much fun.


Becky said...

I am in love with Royal's chubby legs.

Sheila said...

Oh my gosh, those legs....

Anthony and Elizabeth said...

Always love to see your photos! Awww, River says Maammmaa when he cries too, so since you count it, I'm counting it too ;) Your family is just so beautiful, I love you guys so much. Can't wait to get together again soon for a playdate and some girl time. Love you guys! xoxoxo

Amy Beatty said...

Matt just walked by me and had to ask - did you just find a blog that is highlighting your favorite thing. He means the super duper rolly polly baby thighs. Thanks for making my day. xo