Friday, April 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Day TURKEY!!!!

So what are you doing for Thanksgiving this year? Baking, shopping, eating, I know its pretty far in the future to think about, but its not really if it happens to be your due date! Our 80% effective birth control method finally gave out and that other 20% bit us in the booty big time. Yeah, so I'm pregnant....again. Third times a charm, but in the case of morning sickness its a big fat pain in the gut. I think it gets worse every time. Should be called all day, all night, wanna go into a coma for the next three months-sickness. Its a good thing Larry starts his vacation on Monday, cause mommy has officially checked out. So we were surprised a few weeks ago, with a positive home pregnancy test, a late period, sore boobies, and nausea, to find that yeah, here goes round three. Then my Dr.'s apt. gave the confirmation and said that I am due on the 26th of November, Thanksgiving Day! No need to buy a turkey, I'll make my own, thank you. Now I just need to get through the next six weeks and we'll be all set. I'll keep you all posted on my progress, however I'm not posting any pics today since I haven't combed my hair in approximately four days. Yes, I shower and wash myself, but that has been the extent of my personal grooming. I have the biggest birds nest in my hair right now and will probably have to cut it out later, ha ha ha! Oh well. Ok, I need to go lay down now before I loose what I ate for breakfast all over the screen.


Amy Beatty said...

Yeah!!! That is such wonderful exciting news! It will be such a treat to not really have to worry about what you will have since you already have one of each. Still WAY fun to find out though. Sounds like it's been nasty so far. Hope you start feeling better soon. And I'm so happy for you!!

The Ericksons said...

That was a great way to announce it! You are seriously hilarious. Congrats!

Jen said...

WOW!!! Great news! Congratulations girl. I am so happy for you guys. Hope morning sickness goes away soon.

Jamie and Lindsey said...

That was so funny! I am so happy for you! I hope you feel better faster then 3 months. Make sure to keep us all posted.

Blooming Mommy said...

HA!!! Yay for birth control! Congrats!!!! Join the Preggo Club! Im due in late October...... MUAH!!!!!!

Jen said...

Congrats!!:) Gotta love our home made turkeys!!

Becky said...

I love how you announced it to us. At first I was like, why in the world is she talking about Thanksgiving?! I'm sorry you feel so cruddy though. There's nothing worse than feeling like that and having to take care of kids. Ugh. I'm happy for you, even if it was not on purpose. Yeah, another cute kid for the Hockmans.

Em said...

Congratulations, Janese! I'm so sorry you have all that sickness to go through. Wishing you a lot of comfort in the coming weeks/months. meeksfamilyfun!! said...

Woohooo!! I am so excited for you!! I knew it was going to happen soon. :) I can't believe I don't check my blog for a week and I miss this. You better call me chick. :) I hope you are feeling well. :) Bonnie

Sheila said...

Oh my gosh, I was just looking at all your Easter pics thinking, "oh my gosh, look at Janese's boobs, (gasp!) Is she pregnant!?!?!" Then I looked all over your sidebar for some sort of announcement and somehow I missed this post!! CONGRATULATIONS MY DARLING!!! SUCKS soooo bad to be sick, I totally know what you mean all day all night wanna just crawl in a hole till it's over sickness...I feel you. I swear it is one of the main reasons I am holding off on #3 for a while longer. Seriously!! So hang in there, I am so happy for you!!

Erick and Megan said...

Congrats on #3! You guys make beautiful babies and I was hoping you weren't stopping at 2!! Hope the next 6 weeks fly by!

Shanda said...

CONGRATULATIONS JANESE!!! I'm SO glad that Sheila emailed me and said you guys wanted to see my blog!!! I then looked up your blog on hers! IT'S SO FUN to see what you've been up to!!! I don't even know how long it's been :) Your kids are so cute, and you look so happy! So email me and I'll invite you to my blog :)