Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Wedding Day

April 12, 2002

This is for you babe, since we cannot be together today.

Six years ago today we were sealed for Time and all Eternity in the Oakland, California Temple to my dearest, my better half, my love.

Six years! Holy cow feels like 10 right babe?

In Six years we have accomplished many things together, here are a few to remember:

We've made two of the cutest kids in the whole world, and even though they drive me crazy sometimes, I have got to be the luckiest mom ever.

We have well...1,2,3....8 exhausting times, It will be 9 in the next few months, please don't ask us why.

We have owned 8 different cars.

Bought and sold our first house.

Changed professions from sitting in a chair all day to speeding down the highway in a chair all day.

Graduated from the 6 month long CHP academy. Finally Graduated from college with my A.S. in Biological Science (7 years). Yeah it took me a bit longer, two kids remember.

We have lived apart for almost a year now if you put together all the times we have not been with each other, trust me not our most easiest times.

We have cried together, laughed together, were mad together, and loved together.

We've had successes and failures, ups and downs, pleasures (yeah baby) and pains.

No one can know what the outcome

Of spending years together will be.

Being happy together is a gift,

And enduring love is the key.
Words cannot describe the love I have for you,
and if I tried to they would be in tears.
Thank you for all that you do for me.
Happy Anniversary Sweet heart, miss you.
I Iove You!


Amy Beatty said...

I love all your wedding pictures! I never got to see you in your wedding dress. You look so amazing. Congrats!xoxo on the 6 years!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Wife,
I have enjoyed the last 6 years of our life. Can't wait to see you Tuesday. Miss you and love you.

Officer Hockman #18338
AKA(Husband and Daddy)