Sunday, April 11, 2010

Updates People!

Sorry its been so long since I have posted, I've been a busy little bee working on my photography and trying to get it off the ground. I have officially started and am trying to build my portfolio and get myself some experience. If you are interested let me know, I am excited to start living the dream. I photograph families, babies, kids, pregnancy, and engagements.

Follow my progress

In the mean time we celebrated Easter with Larry's sister and family, and his Grandpa. Larry has been on vacation and it is always nice to have him home with us. We managed to get over to the Easter Eggtravaganza here in Buellton, with a 10,000 egg hunt. Its the fastest egg "pick-up" I've ever witnessed. 10,000 eggs gone in under 60 seconds.

Mason lost his top tooth this week and now looks as if he had gotten into a brawl with a bigger kid. It is very cute but oh how sad I am to see those cute little baby teeth become replaced with chiclet sized chompers! Here are some pics of Easter 2010!
Empty eggs, boy that was fast.
My Girls match!!!
Mason loves to hold Royal
Me and my loves
This is what its really like. "Come on Kids!" I'm always dragging them somewhere.
Royal and Grandpa Mounchi
Cousins, and neighborhood kids
Checking out their loot
Pretty Girl.


Shawntel said...

You have such a beautiful family Janese! I love that your girls match! I can't wait to do the same with my girls! You look fantastic by the way! You can't even tell that you used to be pregnant! Just a little envious here! We can't wait to be on the West Coast in the next month or so! We will hopefully see so much more of you guys! yeah!

Ben, Telia, Aeden and Eliza said...

These pictures are amazing!! I wish we lived closer to you guys. Your kids are so cute!!